This morning, I was reflecting on our 2025 theme, ‘Love—More and More.’ I was struck by reading Romans 12:9, a powerful reminder of what real, Christlike love looks like.
“Let love be genuine. Abhor what is evil; hold fast to what is good.” (Romans 12:9)
It’s a short verse that cuts deep. In a world where love is often reduced to empty words and fleeting emotions, “love” can mean everything and nothing at the same time. But the kind of love Paul calls Christians to isn’t shallow or self-serving. It’s genuine, costly, and rooted in truth.
Love That’s More Than Words
Paul’s first command is clear: “Let love be genuine.” The word genuine (ἀνυπόκριτος) means “without hypocrisy.” In other words, real love doesn’t wear a mask. It’s not fake or performative, like an actor reading lines; appearing to be polite but different when the mask is off.
Jesus showed us what genuine love looks like. He didn’t just tell people He loved them—He fed the hungry, wept with the grieving, touched the untouchable, and ultimately laid down His life for sinners. Jesus’ love wasn’t theoretical–it was real, tangible, and sacrificial.
This is the love we are called to. A love that moves beyond convenience, forgiving when it would be easier to hold a grudge; and serving when we’d rather sit back. A love that keeps showing up, even when we’re tired.
Love That Clings to Good
In the second half of the verse, Paul adds: “Abhor what is evil; hold fast to what is good.” That may seem like an abrupt shift, but it’s not. Real love isn’t blind. It doesn’t pretend that sin doesn’t matter, affirming that “everything is ok.”
True, Christlike love means we hate what destroys people. If we love our brothers and sisters, we don’t turn a blind eye when they’re walking into danger. We don’t celebrate what God calls sin. Instead, we cling to what is good. We hold on to truth, anchoring ourselves in God’s Word.
And that is certainly not easy. Some think that love and truth are at odds, but in Christ, they go hand in hand. To love more and more, we must love with both compassion and conviction.
How Can I Love More?
So here’s the challenge: How can we love more? More sincerely. More selflessly. More like Jesus.
Loving more and more isn’t about doing more and trying harder. It’s about abiding in Christ—letting His love fill us, transform us, and flow through us. It’s about surrendering our pride, confessing our selfishness, and asking the Holy Spirit to soften our hearts and open our hands.
The mark of the Christian is love. Let’s commit to being a church that bears this mark by real, Christlike love. A love that is genuine, refusing to compromise on truth. A love that keeps growing—more and more—until the world sees Jesus in us.