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We trust you’re filled with joy, hope, and peace, even in the midst of all the news surrounding the Covid-19 Coronavirus pandemic. These are sobering times, but also a wonderful opportunity for us to show our confidence in the goodness and grace of God.

The HBC elders have spent much time these past days seeking wisdom on how to best love the Lord and our neighbors, especially when it comes to corporate gatherings. Today, we made the decision to move our services exclusively to online streaming beginning this Sunday. We will do this until at least the end of March, then evaluate our next steps in light of the current conditions.

Because of orders today from the San Diego Health and Human Services Agency prohibiting all gatherings of 50 people or more, and our desire to help limit potential spread of the virus to the vulnerable, we determined this to be the wisest and most loving course of action. Beloved, please remember this is not a decision motivated by fear, but by love and wisdom. With this in mind, we also consulted with a Christian medical doctor currently on a task force with a local university dealing with these health issues and trust his recommendations. In addition, we believe this will demonstrate our desire to be good citizens and neighbors in our community. Though some might be gripped by panic, this is a wonderful opportunity to show the world that we are not afraid, and that even in the worst-case scenario, “to live is Christ, and to die is gain.”

Here is some important information for you to know:

– Beginning this Sunday, March 22, 2020, the regular weekly worship service at 10 AM and the Sunday School class at 9 AM will be streamed live on our website and on Facebook Live. You can access the service and class at either of these places:
or on our Facebook page here: https://www.facebook.com/helixchurch/

– All other church events are cancelled until the end of March. Know that our pastors will still be around and available to serve you as usual.

– The vast majority of our church’s giving is done through physical checks and cash that are placed in offering bags each Sunday. The church relies on your consistent and generous support. If you are one who normally gives by check, please use the postal service, or consider giving online through our website: www.helixchurch.org/give. If you need more information on how to do this, please email the church office at info@helixchurch.org.

– We will be regularly communicating with you over several different platforms during the next few days and weeks. If you don’t already receive our emails, please sign up here: www.helixchurch.org/signup.

Brothers and sisters, thank you again for your help and understanding in these matters. As you can imagine, this decision was not easy, but it does seem best at this time. There is much more that could be and will be said, but we wanted to get this notice out as soon as possible to keep you informed.

Grace and peace to you,
The Elders of Helix Bible Church

“Fear not, I am with thee; oh be not dismayed
For I am thy God and will still give thee aid
I’ll strengthen thee, help thee, and cause thee to stand
Upheld by My righteous, omnipotent hand”
– Martin Luther, How Firm A Foundation