Maundy Thursday evening devotion Maundy Thursday evening devotion from Pastor Brian. "Jesus loves us to the end!" . . . Maundy Thursday evening devotion from Pastor Brian. "Jesus loves us to the end!" . . .
Prayer 16 – He Ever Liveth OUR God, we come to Thee by Jesus Christ who has gone within the veil on our behalf and ever liveth to make intercession for us. Our po . . .
Prayer 15 – The Peace of God OUR God, we stand not afar off as Israel did in Sinai, nor does a veil hang dark between Thy face and ours, but the veil is rent by t . . .
Prayer 14 – “Bless The Lord, O My Soul!” LORD, we are longing to draw near, may Thy Spirit draw us near. We come by the way of Christ our Mediator. We could n . . .
Prayer 13 – The Wings of Prayer OUR Father, Thy children who know Thee delight themselves in Thy presence. We are never happier than when we are near Thee. We hav . . . In case you've forgotten what day it is...tomorrow is the Lord's Day! . . .
Prayer 12 – On Holy Ground “OUR Father, which art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” We fear th . . .
Prayer 11 – Under The Blood JEHOVAH our God, we thank Thee for leaving on record the story of Thine ancient people. It is full of instruction to ourselves. Help u . . .
Prayer 10 – The Music of Praise O THOU blessed God, we must be helped of Thy Spirit or we cannot worship Thee aright. Behold the holy angels adore Thee and the ho . . . God is able to deliver us, He will deliver us, but even if He doesn't... . . .