Text: Titus 1:1-4
Main Idea: Grace energizes people to faithfully serve God's mission.
Seven marks of God's faithful servants:
- They know who they are. (vs. 1a)
- They understand the mission. (vs. 1b)
- They grasp the significance. (vs. 2a)
- They are centered on God. (vs. 2b)
- They follow orders. (vs. 3)
- They share a deep, genuine discipling relationship. (vs. 4a)
- They are energized in all this by grace. (vs. 4b)
Discussion Questions: Take inventory of your life: What is the focus of your time & money? What do you love most? What do love most? What do you think about most often? What are your deepest desires? Are these things centered on God and His redemptive mission? What changes can you make today to refocus your life as a servant of God? What unique gifts, abilities, and experiences has God invested in you that you might use to serve God and bring Him glory? With whom do you share a discipling relationship?