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June 25, 2023 | Dan Fisher Passage: Genesis 1:27 | Series: Bible Doctrine | Topic: Creation, Male and Female
June 18, 2023 | Dr. Gamble Passage: Genesis 1:24-31 | Series: Bible Doctrine | Topic: Creation, Image of God
January 22, 2023 Passage: Genesis 2:18-25 | Series: Worldview: Faith for All of Life | Topic: Children, Creation, Family, Marriage, Parenting, Worldview
January 15, 2023 | Brian Hendry Passage: Genesis 3:22-24 | Series: Worldview: Faith for All of Life | Topic: Creation, Kingdom, The Fall
January 8, 2023 | Brian Hendry Passage: Genesis 1:1-2:3 | Series: Worldview: Faith for All of Life | Topic: Covenant, Creation
December 3, 2017 | Brian Hendry Passage: Genesis 3:1-15 | Series: What Child Is This? | Topic: Jesus