
August 19, 2018 |
Passage: Acts 6:8-7:60 | Series: | Topic: ,

Text: Acts 6:8-7:60

Main Idea: In the life of Stephen, we can clearly see what it means to be Christlike.

  1. Christlikeness is an internal quality with an external radiance. (Acts 6:8-15)
    • Luke 21:12-15
    • Exodus 34:29-35
    • Daniel 12:3
    • Philippians 2:15
  2. Christlikeness yields to the Holy Spirit and courageously proclaims truth. (Acts 7:1-53)
    • Amos 5:25-27
    • Isaiah 66:1-2
  3. Christlikeness follows Jesus wherever He goes - even into suffering. (Acts 7:54-60)
    • Ephesians 1:16-19
    • Luke 23:34
    • Romans 8:28-29
    • 1 John 3:2-3
    • Hebrews 6:18-20
    • Matthew 6:33

Discussion Questions: From where did Stephen receive his power? How are the Spirit and wisdom related? How is Stephen like Jesus? How is Jesus "greater than the temple"? What impresses you most about Stephen's sermon? Could you narrate the Old Testament story that culminates in Christ if someone asked you to do so? If not, begin a reading plan that includes Genesis, Exodus, Judges, 1 and 2 Samuel, and Matthew. How does the vision of Christ's standing at the right hand of the Father encourage you? What about Saul's involvement in these matters most resonates with you? What is your reaction to Stephen's willingness to forgive his murderers? Do you need to forgive some people in your life? What advice would Stephen give you? How does Stephen's story inspire you?

Brian Hendry, the Lead Pastor of Providence Church, is passionate about proclaiming the glory of God in the Gospel, and faith that practically applies to all of life. Brian and his wife Lilliana have four children. He also co-founded and led a classical Christian school in San Diego for 17 years. He holds a B.A in Biblical Studies and enjoys reading, good food and coffee, sports, and travel.