God’s Sovereignty Reigns Over Our Frailty

May 19, 2019 |
Passage: Acts 15:36-41 | Series: | Topic:

Zack desires to see the glory of God exalted in the lives of the Church of Christ through a commitment to making the gospel of Jesus the centerpiece of all that the Church does. He believes that this is walked out most practically through a commitment to preaching the Word of God expositionally while realizing that all the Bible is most fundamentally about God Himself as He is revealed through His Son Jesus. Zack and his wife Krista have three children; Josiah, Noah and Gwen. He is also the co-owner and VP of Partner Relations at SolaSites, an all-in-one website-building platform for Churches that is dedicated to seeing Christ proclaimed to the nations. Pastor Zack holds a B.S. in Religion from Liberty University and is currently working towards his Master of Divinity through Whitefield Theological Seminary. He spends his free time in a book, with his family or friends and drinking coffee, lots of it!