Reasons for the Riot

August 25, 2019 |
Passage: Acts 19:21-41 | Series: |

I. Summary of passage.

As Paul prepares to travel to Jerusalem, a silversmith named Demetrius gathers an audience and convinces them that Paul’s teachings will negatively affect their business, causing a riot. Travel companions of Paul are seized, and the riot becomes larger and more chaotic until a city official pacifies the crowd.


II. Reason – because the riches of this world were more appealing than the eternal rewards of God.

  1. Demetrius made his living selling idols and was concerned that Paul was going to hurt his business (Acts 19:23-27).
  2. Jesus taught that the riches of this world will fade away (Matt. 6:19-21; Luke 12:13-34).
  3. Jesus taught the infinite value of His kingdom (Matt. 13:44-46; Phil. 3:7-11).


III. Reason – because Paul has “turned many away”.

  1. Demetrius indicated that Paul was the villain because he was turning people all over Asia away from their religion (Acts 19:26).
  2. Jesus taught that faith in Him brings division (Matt. 10:34-39; Luke 12:49-53).


IV. Reason – because Jesus being “the Way” reveals that other ways lead to destruction.

  1. “The Way” referring to Christianity – Acts 9:2; 19:9; 24:14.
  2. Demetrius riled up the crowd by telling them that Paul was teaching that the Greek gods did not exist and was turning people from the worship of the goddess Diana/Artemis (Acts 19:26-27).
  3. The Bible teaches that salvation comes by grace through faith in Jesus Christ alone (John 3:36; John 14:6; Acts 4:12).
  4. Jesus taught that the world will hate believers just as the world hated Him (John 8:37-47; John 15:18-25).
  5. Demetrius recognized that converted believers would hurt his business. Believers should have a renewed worldview that leads to a new lifestyle (Rom. 12:1-2; Eph. 2:8-10; Titus 2:11-14).

V. Conclusion – the riot could not stop the progress of the gospel.


Today’s Key Insight! If you were to share a key insight from today’s sermon with a friend, what would you say?  

Today’s Lunch Discussion: Do you value the riches of this world more than you should? Do you tithe regularly and joyfully? How often do you remind yourself of the infinite value of God’s kingdom? Do you love God more than your earthly friendships? Are you willing to be hated by your co-workers due to your faith in Christ? Would a stranger know you are a believer based on the way you conduct your life?

David Gamble is a gifted teacher, serving as an elder at Providence Church since 2019. David taught high school History and Bible at a local Christian school for over 15 years. He and his wife Hannah have four children. David is passionate about taking the truths of the Bible and making them accessible to believers from all walks of life, and encouraging believers to grow in holiness. David also runs a small martial arts ministry with his brother that focuses on teaching self-defense in a safe, Christian environment. David is a graduate of Whitefield Theological Seminary and College.