Gift of Christmas

David Gamble | December 24, 2022

For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.  John 3:16 There are m . . .

The Prayers of Charles Spurgeon Day 26

Administrator | April 28, 2020

Prayer 26 – Prayer Answered and Unanswered GOD of Israel, God of Jesus Christ, our God forever and ever! Help us now by the sacred Spirit to approach Thee aright . . .

The Prayers of Charles Spurgeon Day 25

Administrator | April 27, 2020

Prayer 25 – The Washing of Water By The Word JEHOVAH, our God, Thou lovest Thy people, Thou hast placed all the saints in the hand of Jesus and Thou hast given Je . . .

The Prayers of Charles Spurgeon Day 24

Administrator | April 22, 2020

Prayer 24 – “Deliver Us from Evil” O GOD, let us not be formalists or hypocrites at this time in prayer. We feel how easy it is to bow the head and cover the . . .

The Prayers of Charles Spurgeon Day 23

Administrator | April 21, 2020

Prayer 23 – The Look of Faith OUR Father, we have listened to Thy gracious words. Truly Thy paths drop fatness. Wherever Thou art, mercy abounds. Before Thy feet, . . .

The Prayers of Charles Spurgeon Day 22

Administrator | April 20, 2020

Prayer 22 – The Presence of God OUR Father, which art in heaven, our hearts are full of gratitude to Thee for Thy Word. We bless Thee that we have it in our house . . .

The Prayers of Charles Spurgeon Day 21

Administrator | April 17, 2020

Prayer 21 – Boldness at The Throne of Grace O GOD! we would not speak to Thee as from a distance, nor stand like trembling Israel under the law at a distance from . . .

The Prayers of Charles Spurgeon Day 20

Administrator | April 15, 2020

Prayer 20 – The Great Sacrifice O GOD our Father, we do remember well when we were called to Thee, with many sweet and wooing voices we were bidden to return. Tho . . .

The Prayers of Charles Spurgeon Day 19

Administrator | April 14, 2020

Prayer 19 – God’s Unspeakable Gift O LORD, many of us feel like the lame man at the Beautiful Gate of the temple. Come by this way and make the lame ones perfec . . .

The Prayers of Charles Spurgeon Day 18

Administrator | April 13, 2020

Prayer 18 – O, For More Grace! OUR Father, Thou dost hear us when we pray. Thou hast provided an advocate and intercessor in heaven now. We cannot come to Thee un . . .